Task Search
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The ChronoSync Organizer window is the main user interface for creating and organizing Sync Task documents. Unfortunately, when you have a large number of sync tasks, they can become rather unmanageable. Enter “Task Search”, a feature that allows you to search for tasks based on their name.
At the upper right of the task list there’s a 🔍 icon that can be clicked to invoke the search function. When activated, you can type any portion of the task name you are searching for and a filtered list of tasks will appear. The list is refined as you type. You can interact with the displayed tasks just as you normally would (i.e. you can invoke a sync operation, schedule it, delete it, etc.).
Note that the entire library of sync tasks is searched, not just the tasks within the task group you may be viewing at the time. When the search function is dismissed, you’ll return to the task group you were viewing when the the search function was first invoked.

To dismiss the search function, click the “x” icon at the right of the search field, or just press RETURN with no text typed into the field.
For most people, searching their tasks should work without issues. However, we live in an imperfect world and sometimes things just don’t work out as expected. If you encounter any problems following this tutorial, contact our technical support team and ask! We don’t mind — we’re here to help!