Configure and Use Task Groups Create Task Groups

Task Groups

The ChronoSync Organizer window is the main user interface for creating and organizing Sync Task documents. Unfortunately, when you have a large number of sync tasks, they can become rather unmanageable. Enter “Task Groups”, a feature that basically equates to Folders for Sync Tasks.


To create a task group, click the “{+}” command icon that appears at the bottom of the task list:

ChronoSync Organizer window showing all the top-level Task Groups

This will open a sheet dialog that allows you to name the group that you want to create:

Task Group naming dialog


Once created, you can double-click the task group to reveal its contents, just like you would in Finder when navigating a folder hierarchy of files. Just like Finder, you can create task groups within task groups and create a hierarchy as deep as you’d like.

When a task group is being viewed, new controls at the top of the task list allow you to further navigate the task group hierarchy:

ChronoSync Organizer window showing the contents of a specific Task Group

The pop up menu shows every element of the hierarchy and allows you to jump to a specific level. The left-pointing arrow button takes you up one level while the up-pointing arrow button takes you to the top of the hierarchy.


When a task group is open, any new sync task that you create is implied to belong within that task group. You can move sync tasks to a deeper task group via drag & drop. To move a sync task up to its parent task group, you will need to right-click the task in the task list and choose “Move to Parent” in the contextual pop-up menu.

Task Group contextual pop-up menu

Note: Deletion of task groups is purposefully tedious. You must remove all contained tasks before a task group can be deleted. Since there is no undo on deletion, we did not want to make it too easy to accidentally wipe out a large group of sync tasks!


For most people, creating and using task groups should work without issues. However, we live in an imperfect world and sometimes things just don’t work out as expected. If you encounter any problems following this tutorial, contact our technical support team and ask! We don’t mind — we’re here to help!

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